This is our newest fundraiser/project.

Spirit Stars are stars cut from the blue field of the flags we have retrieved for retirement. We felt that the spirit of the flags could be continued by packaging them and getting them back to the general public so they would continue to inspire people to remember the flag and what it stands for.


These Stars from flags once proudly flown are left from flags now tattered, no longer shown. These stars are not as bright or new, but still hold meaning for me and you. They carry the spirit of all flags flown, around this nation and at our home, in foreign lands and on the seas, where loved ones serve, to keep us free. So have a Star that once has flown and carry the Spirit, once proudly shown. Honor this Land, the land we love, with prayerful thanks to God above.
The proceeds from the “SPIRIT STAR” program will go to grow and maintain our worn and tattered flag retirement and veteran outreach programs. All flags recovered are retired with honor in a formal ceremony held on June 14th at the Summit County Sheriff’s Training Center by the Akron Canton airport. Thank you for your kind support and keep the “SPIRIT” alive.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Chapter 900, Akron, Ohio
See VVA900.org for more information.

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 900


2978 Wedgewood Drive

Suite 6018

Akron, Ohio  44312




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