A NEW YEAR 2015, Here we go again !!
It may be cold and gloomy outside, but here's the latest:
The K-Bar Knife ticket was drawn on the 16th and Juanita Speck was the winner with ticket # K 00076.
Mike Hoofman made the presentation. Juanita is also the President of the Woman's Auxillary , VFW Post 3383 in Akron.
Tatterd Flag Project
The Chapter ( inspired by Mike Hoofman) has decided to establish drop off locations for disposal of tatterened and worn flags. We are placing collection boxes (see flag project page) at various locations in the area. Once a month (at least) We will check and retrieve the flags, storing them until the proper ceremonies can be performed to retire them. Time and date will be posted.
At this time we have 11 boxes and are distributing them.
The project has been well received by the public and many thanks to Powergraphics of Norton for their help.
See the flag box project page for more information...
March 2015
We are working with Chapter 717 in a joint project to assist State Council in installing a memorial stone at the Ohio Veterans Memorial in Clinton Ohio. Both chapters felt that the Buckeye State Council should be represented at this since it is basically a Vietnam Veteran's Memorial and many of the other service organizations are represented on site. We will keep everyone updated on the progress.
April 2015
Flag Box Update
Two more Flag boxes have been installed at the Cuyahoga Falls Quirk Cultural Center and The Cuyahoga Falls City Administration Building with Mayor Don Walters participating in the installation.
40th Anniversary
We set up at the Ellet IGA for a day of remembrance on 4/30, the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Pull out.
We passed out the NAM Poppy type flowers along with pocket calendars and had a good time.
May 2015
Flag Box Update
The final flag boxes have been deployed!
Ace Hardware in Norton and Ace Hardware in Manchester...
POWWOW Season begins
KSU - N.A.S.A (Native American Student Association)
POWOW May 2nd
We participated and raised $60.00 in donations. A good time was had by all....
Some of the group assisted the Jewish War Veterans
placing flags at serveral cemeteries in the area.